Friday, June 25, 2010

Well Goodmornin' Newfoundland!!

It's 6:00a.m. and I am enjoying a great cup of coffee and looking at my long list of things to do today. In the midst of my early morning "frustration" I laughed to think to myself why in the world am I getting frustrated, I am doing what I love most to do. Things have been a little crazy last couple of weeks, Brad and myself have been busy planning events, talking and ministering to those in our Bible Studies and Sunday services. We have a lot of great things planned so it should be exciting, oh and yes the Texas Missionaries come today! YAY!! Brad and I are about to take Brother Dennis to the airport, since he is going home for a few weeks for a visit, so we are definitely doing some transitions today. I finally finished Biblical Manhood by Stuart Scott and am halfway done with The Gospel and Muslims. I have truly rediscovered my deep love for reading and for learning. I suggest any of these books for anyone!

Well, in regards to the ministry, we are trucking along...doing our normal Bible Studies (Tues. and Thurs. nights), prayer meetings on Monday and Services on Sunday morning and evening. On top of that we are planning a week long concert so Brad and I have been organizing and coordinating that, so exciting!! Also, we got a phone call from a local single mom who saw our church poster on a billboard and was wondering if we did humanitarian type work stuff, and of course we said "YES!!!" So July 1 we are helping this great woman move from one house to another so that we might get the chance to love on her and show Christ to her. The Lord has been opening doors left and right for our ministry to really get involved with the community. Also we are just starting one of our first partnerships with an organization here on the island, RIAC (The Refugee and Immigrant Advisory Council). This is a great opportunity to both help out our local community of immigrants, which is a great, and to be able to share the Gospel to them in love, action and word.

So please pray for the ministries, please pray for the missionaries, please pray for open doors...
please pray for: Claire Wilcox (RIAC Coordinator)
Nazi (Iranian immigrant who has been going to church with us)
Texas Missionaries (Chelsea, Cassie, Jourdan, Charley)
Pastors (Steve Grissom, Adam Dorsey)

So I know this seems long and out winded, but I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE to start doing a better job at keeping my blog updated and information and pictures. Also, to those who have been supporting me financially and spiritually, keep a weary eye on your mailboxes here in the next few weeks ;)

Well I think that is it for now, off for a warm shower and a ride to the airport!!
God Bless!

Soli Deo Gloria
- Michael Smith


  1. Mike it is great to hear that things are going so good :) I am so excited for you, friend!!

    praying for you like crazyyy, Mr. Smith!

  2. OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Seriously...I'm praying for you dude. Give 'em Jesus!
